We come together for a 3 hours “Sound Healing” workshop where we will explore our innate abilities to harmonize, ground and center ourselves through self-awareness and self-healing.  The journeying aspect of the guided Sound Healing is used in a structured way with specific music instruments, to move the energies in the body and to allow some of the emotions to be unblocked, deepening our connection to our essence, which is Love.  Through the power of sound (vibration) from music instruments and our witnessing ability with embodied awareness, participants receive and learn a direct experience of understanding and regulating the nervous system. You can experience deep meditative states and tap into the wisdom of the body, below the conscious mind on the level of the unconscious mind.  The benefits of sound and frequencies help us in a melodic and smooth way to process conscious or unconscious emotions, fears and or traumas.  With the intentional use of sound healing, the participant has an embodied practice which is effective to regulate the nervous system, to bring presence and ease, to become self-empowered by tolerating and processing uncomfortable feelings and sensations, and cultivating awareness by not overreacting or judging oneself.  Relearning/Remembering our innate ability for self-healing through: Witnessing – Feeling – Accepting – Letting go

Sound Healing & Meditation Workshop

January 2024 | Oldenburg, Germany

We come together for a 3 hours “Sound Healing” workshop where we will explore our innate abilities to harmonize, ground and center ourselves through self-awareness and self-healing. The journeying aspect of the guided Sound Healing is used in a structured way with specific music instruments, to move the energies in the body and to allow some of the emotions to be unblocked, deepening our connection to our essence, which is Love. Through the power of sound (vibration) from music instruments and our witnessing ability with embodied awareness, participants receive and learn a direct experience of understanding and regulating the nervous system. You can experience deep meditative states and tap into the wisdom of the body, below the conscious mind on the level of the unconscious mind. The benefits of sound and frequencies help us in a melodic and smooth way to process conscious or unconscious emotions, fears and or traumas. With the intentional use of sound healing, the participant has an embodied practice which is effective to regulate the nervous system, to bring presence and ease, to become self-empowered by tolerating and processing uncomfortable feelings and sensations, and cultivating awareness by not overreacting or judging oneself. Relearning/Remembering our innate ability for self-healing through: Witnessing – Feeling – Accepting – Letting go

Key Takeaways

  1. The workshop was an experience to access something deeper on a physical, emotional and mental level.
  2. Exploring what really is balance in the body? What does safety really feel like on a physical level?
  3. Relaxation allows for sensations and emotions to healthily come to the surface and be processed.
  4. While we may have a concept of what "relaxation" is... we may not be really feeling safe and relaxed in the body.
  5. Meditation, sound and silence are beautiful techniques to help us touch this inner safety and allow our body and emotions to show us something new.


“I felt more relaxed and at ease, which I have not felt before.”

“This was the first time I was in a sound healing and I am so surprised how touched I am. This brought me a new quality in relaxation.”

“The sound allowed me to access new emotions and then process them.”

“I thought I knew how to relax and take care of myself but after the workshop and going into stillness, I realize my muscles needed a release.”